Reflecting...the ultimate GIFT of TIME
9/11 Memorial & Museum
“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.”
—Sandy Dahl, wife of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl, in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in 2002.
In honor of ALL those who lost their lives!
#911tribute #911neverforget #september11
Colleen McIlhargey-Thompson Age 24
Reflecting the ultimate GIFT of TIME!
As my middle daughter turns 24 today (shout out "Happy Birthday Brighid @beautybybrighid) I've been thinking, "What would you tell your 24-year-old self...if you could go back in time?
1. Your LOVE of photography will be by your side throughout the years ~ Never stop learning or put your camera down. You will be glad you've documented your life.
2. Persistence and hard work will pay off! Don't give up on your dreams, no matter what chapter you are in.
3. Trust your HEART and will guide you well!
4. People will come and go; it's the nature of TIME...and that's okay. The ones who have stayed around, that's your real tribe, appreciate them!
5. With TIME comes WISDOM.
The more you know...the more, you know nothing!
2020 will be a challenging year for EVERYONE, but you will be granted the most significant "gift" in life. The gift of "TIME" what are you going to do with it?